Webster’s defines the word “strategy” in several ways, two of which apply specifically to communication: A careful plan or method The art of devising or employing plans toward a goal The bolding above is mine. I draw attention to it because having a strategy doesn’t...
In the past several weeks I’ve facilitated two interactive workshops, one at ALI’s Internal Communications for Health Care and another at IABC’s Southern Region Conference. Both were designed to help corporate communicators think differently about the employees’...
Last month I taught a day and a half workshop on intranet governance for Melcrum Publishing. It was designed from the start to be a working session, packed with information, but involving participants in small group discussion and giving them time to get some actual...
More than half our clients have migrated their intranets and employee portals to SharePoint. Some had very good experiences – I like to think we contribute to their success. Others consider SharePoint their personal nightmare. Most have dealt with a lack of good...
I just posted on the Communitelligence Communication Skills Blog about grabbing the tools and making them work for you. My post was prompted by a tiny bit of feedback from a participant in the webinar I facilitated yesterday. It boils down to personal responsibility...
First, there was the caveman. Life was tough. Then, the caveman discovered tools – bowls, knives, pots, grinding stones. Life was better. “Do you have a tool for that?” Yep, humans are still looking to innovate ways to make life easier. Even the life of...
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