“Engagement is hard for us,” whined a client. “Our people are spread out, many don’t sit in front of computers and our managers don’t have the resources they need to communicate effectively.”

Boo hoo for you. You are just like many organizations in industries such as:

  • Healthcare
  • Mining
  • Manufacturing
  • Gas and Petroleum
  • Education
  • Energy
  • Logistics
  • Food service

And these are just from my own client list. But the real questions are:

  • Why do you restrict mobile access to company news and collaboration channels?
  • Why do you not provide better collaboration tools and online resources for those who are online and responsible for carrying messages to the disconnected?
  • Why do you fail to provide home logins?
  • Why do you refuse to invest in measurement and research that would help you surface the gaps in the first place?

Bottom line: Why are you failing to fully leverage technology to fill access gaps and drive engagement?

Technology is our gap filler for access problems. It is giving us creative new ways to get around challenges such as employees without on-the-job computer access. Technology also is giving us new ways to get people engaged in the business of doing their jobs effectively. Some of that involves collaboration and – dare I say it – COMMUNICATING.

Yep, can’t do a great job with any job if you don’t communicate. Communication has been shown in numerous studies (Kotter, McKinsey, Gallup, Towers Watson, Mercer, etc.) to be a crucial element in great engagement. Some of these very same organizations are now demonstrating the important role of technology in improving communication, productivity, safety and engagement.

Want to read more about using technology to unlock engagement in your organization? Happen to have a white paper on that topic (see link below). It’s co-written with the great team at Coldwater Software, a firm which:

  • Includes a former Eloquor client
  • Serves as collaborator on Eloquor client projects
  • Created ElevatePoint, a suite of SharePoint tools, some of which use Eloquor’s intellectual capital to support your communication goals


Enjoy the white paper and let me know what you think!

And don’t forget, I’m chairing and speaking at ALI’s upcoming July Intranet and Digital Workplace Summit in Chicago. Hope to talk with you there about how you are using technology to drive employee engagement.