I just finished reading Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain. The book just screams great communication lessons. For example, his observation that “right now you’re not the chef, your the toilet guy.” Jack of all trades One man band Go-to guy...
How do you know when you’ve uncovered an underlying truth? Do you settle on the initial finding? Or do you dig deeper? I’ve been working with a healthcare client lately to assess and improve their internal communication program. In interviews, conference...
I don’t normally use my blog for discussion about politics, but the healthcare debate has forced my hand. Our leaders in government and many of those in the healthcare industry are missing a huge point. First, I am convinced that layering greater complexity over...
Last week I attended the opening keynote at the Ragan Social Media Conference in Las Vegas (#socmedlv on Twitter) and a friend turned to me and said “I wonder what they’re doing about Al not being here.” Turns out, the conference team didn’t...
More than a dozen of the participants in my virtual conference session this week for Ragan fessed up to having intranet chaos. Why is it that so many organizations allow their intranets and employee portals to fall into ruin? I’ll tell you why. Because the big...
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