Global, regional or local

It’s an interesting question. When you craft your employee portal or intranet navigation what do users come to first? This was a tough bit of dialog at my client intranet governance workshop last week. The organization has a headquarters, regional offices and...

Better tools = better communicator

First, there was the caveman. Life was tough. Then, the caveman discovered tools – bowls, knives, pots, grinding stones. Life was better. “Do you have a tool for that?” Yep, humans are still looking to innovate ways to make life easier. Even the life of...

Getting intranet/portal governance right

Been talking with clients a lot lately about intranet and portal governance. While some start off with questions about “what” it is, all of them want to understand “how” to create good governance. We have been working furiously on preparing a...

Discipline and documentation

I spent a day and a half this week with a client on intranet/portal governance. They are excited – that’s right “excited” – about getting more disciplined and documenting processes and accountabilities. They talked about formalizing currently...

App vs Intranet Governance: Chicken or Egg?

Which really did come first?… OK, I can answer my own question: application governance came first. IT has always been very organized and very linear. They document well. But they are primarily focused on the widgets – the apps and other sparkly things....