Later this month I’ll be teaching a session on connecting business strategy to digital workplace strategy at the IntraTeam Event in Copenhagen. This is a topic that resonates strongly with digital workplace leaders because they know it matters to executives. If...
This is a project that is just too good not to share. Of course, client anonymity must be maintained in this situation. Here’s the scoop. The client asked me to help them improve a large section of online content. I conducted an inventory and discovered: Most...
Webster’s defines the word “strategy” in several ways, two of which apply specifically to communication: A careful plan or method The art of devising or employing plans toward a goal The bolding above is mine. I draw attention to it because having a strategy doesn’t...
Where does communication fit in our organizations? Recently, IABC’s World Conference Program Advisory Committee Chair Neil Griffiths explained the conference theme – Communication Crossroads – as a critical look at where communication fits. As a speaker for the...
In the past several weeks I’ve facilitated two interactive workshops, one at ALI’s Internal Communications for Health Care and another at IABC’s Southern Region Conference. Both were designed to help corporate communicators think differently about the employees’...
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