Last week I was at the IABC Southern Region conference in Atlanta. Not speaking, but learning. One thing I learned is that for some, success, honors and acclaim doesn’t eliminate the need for improvement.

Terese Griffin and Christy Season from Scana presented about their intranet. This is one special intranet: featured during this year’s IBF24; one of the ten best in Neilsen Norman’s Intranet Report; included in a string of speaking engagements.

The first kicker is that the Edge (the intranet’s name) is built on SharePoint and these folks actually love SharePoint. The second is that even the Scana team still thinks they have work to do on governance.

Many organizations have no governance model or processes at all. Those who begin on a path toward great intranet governance soon appreciate there is no substitute for doing it well. They get more ROI from investment in people, time, software and infrastructure. They are more agile and responsive to opportunities.

What companies like Scana learn is that as you become more perceptive and skilled with governance, you find ways to evolve, to improve. You constantly seek perfection – how can we capture more value? More leverage? More innovation? More adoption and integration?

It can become nearly obsessive. Some obsessions are a good thing. I obsess over teaching people how to evolve their governance models. This is why I recently put in time improving my three-day workshop for Melcrum, Intranets with Impact. I’ve added in some of the recent really innovative work we’re doing with clients.

I’m excited about how this has evolved. Across three days, a small limited group will learn theory, show and tell their intranets, talk about their worries, and draft some of their governance documentation.

When was the last time you left a workshop with some work done? When was the last time you arrived back from training telling your boss “hey, I’ve got a strategy for you to review” or “here are our new intranet role descriptions”? Want to join us? There are only a couple seats left. I mean that – we’re only taking a small group of people. The smaller size ensures a better experience. So, if you want to join us, register right away.

Shameful plug? Hey, it is my blog after all.