Later this month I’ll be teaching a session on connecting business strategy to digital workplace strategy at the IntraTeam Event in Copenhagen. This is a topic that resonates strongly with digital workplace leaders because they know it matters to executives. If...
This is a project that is just too good not to share. Of course, client anonymity must be maintained in this situation. Here’s the scoop. The client asked me to help them improve a large section of online content. I conducted an inventory and discovered: Most...
Webster’s defines the word “strategy” in several ways, two of which apply specifically to communication: A careful plan or method The art of devising or employing plans toward a goal The bolding above is mine. I draw attention to it because having a strategy doesn’t...
Where does communication fit in our organizations? Recently, IABC’s World Conference Program Advisory Committee Chair Neil Griffiths explained the conference theme – Communication Crossroads – as a critical look at where communication fits. As a speaker for the...
I spent part of my holiday break cleaning out old files in my office. Before the advent of virtual files, I kept a lot of articles and clippings in a large file cabinet. I made an interesting observation while rooting through the piles that went back to the mid 90s:...
Last week I chaired ALI’s Internal Communications for Health Care conference in Philadelphia. There were a number of very interesting conversations had there, some of which I’ll discuss here in a few posts. While they involved health care communicators,...
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