My client team has confirmed for me my long-believed theory that having an editor on a blogging project makes good business sense. I’ve been serving as an editor for this team of executive bloggers for several months.

One of them told me yesterday that at the outset, he thought it was an unnecessary role. To be clear, here is the role I’ve played:

  • Catching mistakes in their content before they publish (they do all the writing)
  • Making strategic suggestions about approaches, tone, key messages
  • Giving them tips on how to make their posts more relevant and readable

He went on to explain that now he cannot imagine doing a blog without the aid of a strategic editor. Proven theory. The others in the group have expressed similar sentiment. One said “I feel so much better about my posts after you have looked at them.”

It’s partly because this is a new experience for them. It’s also because you need some glue to keep the whole blogging team together in this type of situation. Team blogging is a different experience. Someone needs to take that higher-level view to integrate all their work.

But, it’s also cultural. Not every executive is comfortable with blogging out of the gate. Having a sounding board – someone to throw stuff at for an opinion – can be a huge comfort and benefit. It’s been great to prove out good process and measurement approaches for blogging as part of this project. More on the measurement piece in another post!