View strategy as actionable for good decision making

Webster’s defines the word “strategy” in several ways, two of which apply specifically to communication: A careful plan or method The art of devising or employing plans toward a goal The bolding above is mine. I draw attention to it because having a strategy doesn’t...

Communication fits leading the digital workplace

Where does communication fit in our organizations? Recently, IABC’s World Conference Program Advisory Committee Chair Neil Griffiths explained the conference theme – Communication Crossroads – as a critical look at where communication fits. As a speaker for the...

When employee research isn’t done

The CEO of United Airlines, along with his leadership team, recently decided to replace employee bonuses with a game-show style lottery for prizes. Inc. writer Chris Matyszczyk notes in a recent post that “it’s about first deciding…Then, it’s about choosing words.” I...

How to make a great digital workplace

Several years ago Gartner published its “8 building blocks of a digital workplace.” Just last week, Information Age republished them in an article, as if it’s new news. For those who don’t want to go read the old post, those 8 originally read...